Chronic Pain Specialist

Pain Free Nottingham's Therapist

My journey started 12 years ago when I was bending down and my back went into spasm causing excruciating pain and completely immobilising me.

Subsequently being admitted to the Nottingham QMC spinal unit I had tests, MRI scans, x-rays, I was put on an array of medication ranging from anti-inflammatory, pain killers, anti-depressants these worked initially but not long term, I was then sent to a chronic pain clinic where I was told ( it was all in my head ) Is this familiar? 

I then reverted to private chiropractors osteopath's Acupuncturist physiotherapist. They all had an initial short-term relief but this didn't last.

Then I came across a company called Physology Nottingham so i contacted the founder James Tyrell Nestor who said he could help me. 

To be honest I wasn't really that hopeful as nothing had worked for me previously but I thought I would give it a go. So, I went to see him and he explained what was happening to my body and did a treatment and I was blown away by it. I felt an instant relief with the first treatment like I had never felt before. It was remarkable .I had a few treatments and then became pain free.

Due to my background of Anatomy and physiology and my holistic training I felt the need to learn more, so I spoke to James about training in this specialist field and he said he felt I would be perfect for it as I had been through the pain journey so would know what people are going through and he agreed to put me through the intensive training and train me to his standard as his long-term plan was to relocate to Bristol and open a practice there and he needed someone that treated the same as him and at his standard ,so this is what he did he trained me to his standard so that he would feel confident in my competency to deliver the treatments to the standard that he did.

After my training I stepped into James's shoes and took on his clients from Nottingham whilst he relocated in Bristol (so if you are in Bristol and need help contact James at Physology Bristol).

So, this is how I came to doing what I am doing.

I have definitely found my calling , I love helping people and get such enjoyment from seeing a person progress to living pain free and getting there life back and also making life long friends .

Get in Touch for a Pain-free Life

We welcome your enquiries and are here to assist you on your journey to a pain-free life. Please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you promptly. Thank you for considering Pain-Free Nottingham as your partner in wellness.