Hands-on Pain Therapy Services

Myofascial Release Follow-up Sessions

Our myofascial release follow-up sessions build upon the foundation laid during the initial consultation, providing continued relief and support for individuals dealing with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and other discomforts. At Pain Free Nottingham, we understand that the key to lasting pain relief lies in addressing the root cause of the problem.

During these follow-up sessions, our dedicated hands-on pain specialist continues to employ specialised techniques that focus on stripping away tight connective tissue, also known as fascia. This process is essential for releasing tension, hydrating the affected tissue, and opening up restricted areas in the body. Our approach is particularly beneficial for clients experiencing pain in areas such as the back, neck, arms, knees, and shoulders.

It's important to note that chronic pain and fibromyalgia often result from fascial restrictions that may not align with the location of the pain itself. Our expert practitioner, trained to James Tyrell Nestor's high standards, is skilled at identifying these hidden sources of discomfort.

By choosing our myofascia release follow-up sessions, clients can expect ongoing relief from pain without the need for prescription drugs. We are committed to helping individuals regain their mobility, improve their quality of life, and continue on their journey towards a pain-free existence.

Join us at Pain Free Nottingham for these follow-up sessions and experience the profound difference our specialised touch treatments can make in your life. Say goodbye to chronic pain and hello to a brighter, pain-free future.

Every session last 2 hours.

Get in Touch for a Pain-free Life

We welcome your enquiries and are here to assist you on your journey to a pain-free life. Please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you promptly. Thank you for considering Pain-Free Nottingham as your partner in wellness.